How to cancel the requested withdrawal for the submitted application

After submitting their building and planning applications, applicants can still withdraw them through Cloudpermit. 

Those who want to withdraw their applications must give a reason for the withdrawal and make a formal request to the municipal authorities using the submitted application. Read the support article here.

After the withdrawal request, the municipal authority usually accepts the pull-out request. However, applicants can cancel their application withdrawal request before the authority approves it. The application will then resume the process automatically.

  1. Assume you've requested to withdraw your building application. The application is currently at the "Withdrawal Requested" stage. In the application workspace, navigate to the top of the workspace and select "Cancel Withdrawal."
  2. Confirm it by clicking "Yes."
  3. Your application has been reinstated in the system.
  4. Your application's status change has been communicated to all parties via email.

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